Friday, May 14, 2010

Is there a certain length your nails need to be to get fake nails put on?

I want to get my nails done, cuz i bite mine (hints the reson for fake nails) and want to know if or how long i need to grow them out.Is there a certain length your nails need to be to get fake nails put on?
You don't need to grow them. My ex-wife also used to bite her nails, and got them done in order to protect her real nails while they grew. She would get French cut style.

By the way, to prevent or reduce the chance of getting fungus, apply distilled vinegar twice per day without fail. Damaged nails/cuticles run the risk of developing nail fungus.

For those of you with nail fungus, do this for 6 months without fail. It will grow out without the side effects of Lamisil.Is there a certain length your nails need to be to get fake nails put on?
you dont. they cut them down all the way down before they'll put the acrylics on.
that's the reason i got acrylics put on. sometimes when i get them, they actually clip my real nail before putting the fake tip on.

if there's a nail on your finger, they'll be able to apply a fake nail and acrylic to it.
makes no difference how long. you can put fake nails on even if you chew em off until it bleeds ... (gross ....)

but no need to worry just go ahead with the lenght that you have right now :)
i dun put fake nails on... why dun u juz grow them!! in 3-4 weeks it'll be long... and it look fab...
you dont need to grow them out but be prepared cause you will start biting on these also. I am also a biter.
I don't think it actually matters. Don't fake nails get glued onto the nail that covers your finger, not the white part that grows past?
no but don't bite them or you will eaisly get infections when they put on fakes. It did it once and that was enough they strat to hurt start to peel off and than the nail beneth is ruined tender and damaged.

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