Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I had fake nails on and i pulled one off and have a bright red bruise under me normal nail what shall i do?

Call your doctor!

I didn't know this until a couple weeks ago when I was at my doctor and I heard the nurse say something to another paitent.

This paitent wears very long fake nails, they can never get a good oxyen reading on her because of them and they advised her that fake nails can cause some kind of infection that can make some one very very sick.

I asked the nurse about it when I saw her, she had a name for the infection but I don't remember what it was, she said it happens more oftent then people think but it is only if you get the full nail--not the tips.

I haven't let my daughter get the full fake nails since then!I had fake nails on and i pulled one off and have a bright red bruise under me normal nail what shall i do?
Nails are pretty hardy. If you pulled off a fake nail, your real nail underneath may do one of 2 things: it'll heal normally, or it'll fall out. If it falls out, don't freak out, it'll grow right back in a month or two. Maybe less!

Generally, nails are pretty tough. They can take care of themselves.

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