Friday, January 15, 2010

How do i take off fake nails when my real nail broke?

the nail was loose i tried just pulling it off andmy pinky finger nail broke and its reeeally painful! how do i get the fake nail off...i have tried to take the fake nail off but it wont come off. should i just wait and let it heal then when the fake nail is loose just take it off???

help mee im in greeat pain!!How do i take off fake nails when my real nail broke?
well if its painful i would wait until it heal then go to the nail shop and get it tooken offHow do i take off fake nails when my real nail broke?
dont soak it in **** omg it will burn. cut the fak nail really short wear a bandage so the nail wont lift and the nail will fall off on its own
soak it in nail polish remover for 15 20 seconds or so

maybe more

and then it'll kind of loosen up.

let in in warm water or alcohol for 10 mins.

cut the nail short.

then where you see w/ a open space start pulling it off.

slowly only !
Two painful ways to remove it. Or wait.

Painful method #1 - Rip 'er off!!

Torture idea #2 (this only applies to you as it seems you've possibly ripped your real nail leaving your finger raw and sore) - Acetone nail polish remover. It'll eat away at the fake nail and make it soft, making it easier to remove. It'll sting though if you have any rawness or cuts.

Good luck.

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