Tuesday, January 19, 2010

How do you take off fake nails. with out going to the nail place. and with out having it hurt?

please show sourcesHow do you take off fake nails. with out going to the nail place. and with out having it hurt?
soak your nails in warm water and nail polish remover either in the same bowl or two different bowls but make sure it is in a Tupperware bowl and not a real bowl (you will not be able to wash it in your dishwasher if it has nailpolish remover on it because everything else will taste like it) but then try pulling them off after you soak themHow do you take off fake nails. with out going to the nail place. and with out having it hurt?
ok don't worry sweetie I am a professional at this

1. get string and a toaster

2. tie one end of the sting around the toaster

3. tie the other end of the string arond a nail

4. go to a balcony

5. drop the toaster over the balcony- the nail should rip right off

6. repeat untill all nail are off

Have a nice day sweetums=]
get a nail polish remover with acetone or one that says its made for fake nails. take a cap full (if you want to do it one at a time, which is what I did) and put your finger in it for 3-5 minutes and pop it off when you take it out.

That's what I did last night.

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