Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I Jammed My Fake Nail and it is still attached, but when if it comes off its gonna take my real nail too..?

I have fake nails. I jammed my pinky nail in the dryer. The fake nail is still on my finger nail.. and I can feel it pulling my real nail too. The fake nail is still attached.. loosely.. it's a weird one, but I was just hoping that maybe someone has had this happen and that they can give me some advice of wut they did..I Jammed My Fake Nail and it is still attached, but when if it comes off its gonna take my real nail too..?
okay i have had this happen TWiCE i live in the freaking nail shop it totally depends on how the nail is broken usually mines don't hurt when it comes off and i take my nails off myself because the nail shop don't care about your pain :-\ but once i had got super long nails for the first time to try something different BUT i still had to go to work and blahh loll and that whole thing didn't work out!! the nail broke at the top and i kept it on until i had an off day which was a no no!! when your nail is hanging like that it WiLL cause your reall nail to split wherever the fake nail is because of the weight weighing down on your now fragile nails!! the acrillick or however you spell it makes your nails weaker than they were before...so the best bet is to go to the nail shop regardless!! if it is sore when you go tell them to remove it with the liquid where they will soak your finger and the liquid will eat the nail and stuff off and you can just let your finger breathe {via without the fake nails!} well i hope this will help!I Jammed My Fake Nail and it is still attached, but when if it comes off its gonna take my real nail too..?
Ouch, I have had that happen. I just went to the nail saloon and had them remove the fake nail. It was painful, but it would have been moreso if I had done it myself. It is important to take it off because infection could form under it.
well you can just go to the person who sold you the nails....only if you went to a nail poler. or you can go to a doctor but don't call thell think it's an emergency....but anyways they always no wat to do thats the best advice i can give you.

if you want more advice about anything just email me or join my group AskPrincess.

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