Sunday, January 17, 2010

Why do fake nails cause issues to your real nails, other than just damaging the top of the nail?

Your nails have to have oxygen because the under lying part is still alive. The top is dead cells. Without the oxygen it can get fungus or infections.Why do fake nails cause issues to your real nails, other than just damaging the top of the nail?
Your nails have to be able to breath. With the acrylic on them, they can't. When they file the top of your nail to apply the acrylic, if they are using files etc. that were used on someone else or not cleaned properly, you WILL get a nail infection. Make sure you know where you are going to get your nails done and you won't have a problem. Otherwise, don't have your nails done.Why do fake nails cause issues to your real nails, other than just damaging the top of the nail?
Usually fungal infections. Water and dirt get under the fake nail and heat from your body causes a fungus the grow.
Because your nails get no air.
As well as damaging the real nail underneath there is also the risk of fungal infection which can result in serious damage, and in extreme cases loss, of the natural nail. Natural is better.
Perhaps when the artificial nails were attached, the area was not clean and dry, so bacteria was able to thrive.
It depends on how sterile the nail salon is. You can pick up fungus on the nail if you're not careful
If there is moisture trapped and the nail can't breathe, you'll get a fungus.

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